Wednesday, October 10, 2007

In 1492, Columbus Sailed the Ocean Blue and Got Lost Because He Was an Idiot.

Well, its Christobo Columbus day once again and it turns out he is still an asshole. There is nothing better than the obligatory annual celebration of one of the world's great ethnic cleansers, who inadvertently and unwittingly rediscovered several already inhabited islands outside of this country, but which share a quartisphere with us. Which reminds me, just the other day I came up with the law of relativity entirely on my own, does it matter that some old curmudgeon fuck thought it up before I did?

And we wonder why American kids are morons. Could it have anything to do with the fact that our President can barely read, our newest Supreme Court nominee confuses religiosity with brilliance and we honor a gold-whoring racist who spent several years believing that he had found islands off the coast of India? Understanding the real genesis of Columbus Day doesn't change the fact that it no longer makes any reasonable sense to honor this jackass.

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